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Frequently Asked Questions

What markets does Trinity Underwriting use?

We use some of world’s largest A-rated insurance groups giving us access to their knowledge, expertise, and resources. We are also a licensed coverholder for Lloyd’s.

How can I do business with Trinity Underwriting?

We like to get to know the brokers we deal with, so when we receive a submission from a brokerage for the first time we like reach out and introduce ourselves and share some more information about our company. All brokerages must sign a copy of our broker agreement, which outlines our payment terms and compliance. Once that is completed they can send us as little or many submissions as they like. New business submissions can be emailed to 

Who handles our claims?

Trinity Underwriting has partnered with Cameron & Associates to handle all our claims as our in-house third-party administrator (TPA). This experienced TPA has been in business since 1994. For more information about Cameron & Associates please visit their website:

What makes us different from our competitors?

We are focused on insurance solutions for your specialty risk clients. Rather than offer wholesale quotes for a wide range of unrelated industries, we have in-house underwriting authority for specific niche products to help your professional, medical and emerging technology clients.
Why underwrite in house rather than wholesale our business elsewhere?

  • More flexibility; we control the quote
  • Our quote is exclusive to you
  • In house underwriting expertise;
  • Hands on claims management
  • Higher commissions
  • Stable markets; we don’t change insurers every year

Contact Trinity Underwriting Today